An essay written for a course on translatlantic modernism! It was submitted late, in the fall of 2020, as the author felt the need to slowly construct themselves anew (post-COVID-19 and post-a-semi-surprising-ADHD-diagnosis) before attempting to finish it. It was formatted and published using Twine, an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. It was inspired, in part, by an ex-lover who maybe/probably wrongfully claimed he was talented at sex but //did// live within hearing distance of a multitude of bird songs. Also, by all the writers cited. Also //also//, by Shea, who kindly offered feedback on a stuck first draft.

Release date Nov 23, 2020
Made withTwine
Tagsasexual, Creative, Experimental, LGBT, nature, Singleplayer, Text based, trashcore, Twine
Average sessionAbout an hour

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